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A Wellbeing Strategy That Moves the Needle

We can assist at any point in the development or execution of a Wellbeing Strategy that will focus on improving the mental and physical health of your employees while teaching them to be more savvy consumers of conventional healthcare.

Current State Understanding

Where are you trying to get to and where have you been? What is the current situation? What are the current health issues in the population? What solutions do you have in place today and how are they doing? We will use a variety of methods to gain a full understanding including workshops, focus groups and data analysis.

Analysis & Design

You are a unique organization with unique values and priorities employing a wide range of unique individuals. Independently analyzing everything you have told us will lead to a design or alternatives that will get you where you want to be. We will work with you collaboratively to help you make final decisions on a go forward strategy.

This is the action stage. The most important element here is Communication. To leadership, to managers, to other parts of HR and most critically to employees to ensure they are engaged in the journey and not feeling overwhelmed. It may include selection of new solutions/vendors or just doing stuff differently.

Measure & Improve

You thought you were done? Far from it! We iterate. We will be measuring what is working and what is not and adjust accordingly. If you don't measure it you won't improve.

Take Back Your Health Program

Focused Groups

Start with Senior Executives or Managers. Perhaps one business unit or the Sales team.

Stakeholder Input

Use focus groups, leadership
interviews and/or anonymous surveys
to gather input from individuals.

Data Analysis

Look at medical claims, absence rates, and other utilization statistics to understand the biggest problems in the population. Then measure the effectiveness of interventions over time.

Education & Communication

Use a combination of methods and media such as short video sound bites, longer webinars, articles, podcasts around various health & healthcare topics.


Re-assess the value and ROI of current vendor solutions and programs offered by insurance companies. Consider alternatives more focused on health improvement rather than management.

Wellness Champions

Identify your true believers and leverage their stories. Train them to be champions for the cause.

Get in touch and let's collaborate!