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Opportunities in Corporate Wellness With a Background in Nutrition

Emma Tekstra > Corporate HR  > Opportunities in Corporate Wellness With a Background in Nutrition

Opportunities in Corporate Wellness With a Background in Nutrition

I was recently interviewed by the Nutrition Therapy Institute about the career opportunities in corporate wellness for their students and others with a background in nutrition.

It was an engaging conversation and got me thinking about the typical corporate wellness professional who tends to have an HR background or perhaps a qualification in public health. Useful skills but not necessarily well suited to addressing the myriad of chronic conditions and mental health decline facing so many employees today. A nutrition-first approach, combined with an emphasis on lifestyle improvement, has been shown to provide a longer-lasting improvement in health leading to lower healthcare costs in the short-term (through elimination of medications) and in the longer-term (through less illness).

NTI offers a Masters in Nutrition Therapy with a robust curriculum covering what I call real nutrition, including physiology and chemistry topics as well as basic endocrinology, herbology and supplementation, plus an understanding of evidence-based medicine. This qualification is an excellent background for a career in corporate health and wellness. Watch the PodTalk to learn why.

Inspired by the conversation and at the request of NTI, I have created a short mini-course about corporate wellness and the particular areas that would be good choices for someone with either a qualification in nutrition or a passion for wellness that wants to get into this fast-growing field. Go to The Learning Center to find out more about this course and others available.

Emma Tekstra

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