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Have you been told your “bad cholesterol” is too high? Maybe you’ve been prescribed a class of drugs called statins, which are designed to lower your LDL—low-density lipoprotein—also known as “bad cholesterol.”Statins do what they are designed to do but there are two major problems. First, the mechanism of action causes a multitude of side effects that can lead to worse health. Second, there is...

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The ark of my life story seems to have bread as a main character.There were the peanut butter sandwiches I lived on at college; the time I got physically addicted to hamantasch (a doughy pastry filled with poppy seed paste available around the Jewish festival of Purim); the egg salad sandwiches (and assorted pastries) I consumed every day at work in Leeds, the bagels and...

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Just the fact I am recommending a pharmaceutical product is astounding. Despite growing up as the daughter of a pharmacist and my first job being counting pills in my Mum’s suburban pharmacy in England, I avoid pharmaceuticals wherever possible. I am an advocate of getting to the root cause of your problem and finding natural solutions to support your body in addressing it. Masking symptoms...

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I had been struggling with an underperforming thyroid for years. At my annual physicals the standard blood tests showed my TSH levels steadily rising well outside “normal” ranges. I exhibited many of the typical symptoms (we’ll get into below) and finally in 2020 my well-meaning doctor prescribed “Nature-throid” to be taken daily reassuring me it was “natural” as he knew my avoidance of all medications....

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I’ve been talking about bugs a lot lately. Not the kind with wings or that you might find crawling under a rock but the teeny tiny kind that we can’t see without a microscope. Maybe because they are so small we don’t think of them very often but it turns out these microscopic organisms may hold the key to health or sickness in all of...

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