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Home Life Community for Adults with Autism

Emma Tekstra > Mental Health  > Home Life Community for Adults with Autism

Home Life Community for Adults with Autism

I wouldn’t be writing to you today on if it weren’t for Dr Jerry Kartzinel. Dr Jerry is a pediatrician whose youngest son regressed into Autism after routine childhood vaccinations many years ago. After his wife suggested “you broke him so you fix him” he dedicated himself to preventing and healing autism and other neurological disorders in children. I was blessed to come across Dr Jerry when my now 18-year old son received a diagnosis of Aspergers and ADHD at age 5 and struggled with a range of health issues. I first read the book that he wrote with Jenny McCarthy called Healing and Preventing Autism, and then found that Dr Jerry in fact had a medical practice round the corner from where I worked in Irvine, California. That first appointment led me on a journey to heal my son and then share what I have gone on to learn about how to be a healthy human with anyone who will listen.


Dr Jerry is back in the limelight talking about his latest project to create learning and living communities for adults with autism and other special needs. The first of its kind is currently being built in Tennessee. In this short video Dr Jerry, again collaborating with Jenny McCarthy, is being interviewed by Del Bigtree for his Highwire podcast. I urge you to watch and to donate to this fantastic cause.

 More information can be found at:

Emma Tekstra
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