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How To Know if You Are Walking With God

Emma Tekstra > Faith  > How To Know if You Are Walking With God

How To Know if You Are Walking With God

One of the scariest verses in all of the bible is Matthew 7:23 “And then will I declare to them, I never knew you, depart from me, you workers of lawlessness”. The discussion starts in Matthew 7:21 “Not everyone who says to me, Lord Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven…”. The reality is that many people in today’s world think they are right with God as they are “good people”, they don’t do anything so serious as to land them in jail. But in fact, God’s standards are far higher and only He can judge what is truly in your heart: Whether you have genuinely handed the Lordship of your life over to God to trust Him implicitly or are still holding on to a few areas. So how can you know?

For a start you could read the short book of 1 John. Its entire purpose is “that you may know that you have eternal life” (1 John 5:13). God wants you to have the peace of assurance that you know where you are spending eternity and you are on good terms with Him. There’s lots of other references throughout the bible explaining what it looks like when someone is truly walking with God.

In this video, Pastor Mike Fabarez of Aliso Viejo, California, explains in a short 30min teaching 10 realities you will experience if you are genuinely walking with God. They are listed below but watch the video for full explanation.

10 Realities & Experiences of God's Kids


You will sense a clean conscience.


You will have had a serious conviction of sin.


You will sense the problem was made right.


You will submit your future to God’s direction.


You will have an inner sense of assurance.


You will experience an undeniable redirection.


You will hate sin more than ever.


You’ll feel alienated from the culture.


You won’t mind too much that you’re hated (by the culture).


You will never turn on Christ and His church.

For more great teaching from Pastor Mike check out in his online/radio ministry at

Emma Tekstra
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