Rethinking What You’re Putting in the Tank
I’m a big car fan! I like fast cars and yes I have to admit I like the type of cars that sound really good accelerating out of a turn and require visiting a gas pump pretty regularly. Even in a season of high gas prices I wouldn’t dream of putting anything less than premium gas in my car as I cherish my car and want to keep it running well. I frankly don’t have the time to visit a mechanic and need my car to perform reliably every day.
Are you giving enough thought to what you’re putting in your human tank?
Did you know that what you eat on a weekly basis is a far better predictor of your long-term health prospects than your genetics or current scores on a blood test? Even in the day-to-day, so much of what ails us can be improved or resolved through adjustments in what we’re eating and its not just those digestive or obvious metabolic issues like diabetes. Autoimmune conditions, pain and degenerative disorders and mental health problems to name a few, have all been clinically shown to improve with an adjustment in diet.
The Inconvenient Truth of Convenience Food
Whether it’s fast food, casual dining, or something that came in a box to eat at home, the more convenient to your schedule, the less convenient it is for your body.
Here are a few truths to think about:
Lack of nutrients. The more processed the food the fewer nutrients it is likely to have in it to nourish your body. Mass-produced or ultra-processed food-like substances tend to have very limited fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
Toxic ingredients. Beyond the pesticides and herbicides used in non-organic produce, so many additives are included in mass-produced food to make it easier and cheaper to process, keep fresh, or just improve taste or consistency. These include various chemicals, artificial colorings and sweeteners and highly processed vegetable oils. Non-organic meat and dairy adds animal antibiotics and hormones to this list to wreak additional havoc on your body.
Designed to make you want more of it. Restaurant chains and the top industrial food giants have huge food science departments figuring out how to hijack your taste buds and brain chemistry to make you crave more of their food. Clean whole food will nourish your body and leave you feeling full and satisfied. This frees up your body to manage other processes besides digestion and detox.
Some Tips to Upgrade Your Fuel Tank
Shoot for whole natural ingredients as your standard. Save convenience food of any kind for emergencies and treats. If working outside your home bring your meals with you.
Use your stove more. A wholesome meal doesn't need to be complex or derail your schedule. Experiment with vegetables and spices you may not be familiar with.
Read food labels. If you have to eat something out of a packet select brands that use whole ingredients and no additives. If the ingredient didn't exist 100 years ago, best to avoid it.
Snack on nuts, whole fruit, sliced vegetables dipped in hummus, convenience pack of tuna, grass-fed jerky to name a few examples. Get in the habit of carrying snacks everywhere you go so you don't get caught out.