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Author: Emma Tekstra

It seems like a simple question. It’s what I eat three times a day. It stops me from feeling hungry. The Oxford English dictionary comes a little closer – notice the reference to “nutritious” and “nourishment”. Food (noun): Any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink in order to maintain life and growth; nourishment, provisions. [Oxford English Dictionary] With the wide array of food-like substances...

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Have you ever heard the term a human doing (as opposed to a human being)? What about being a part of the rat race? I thought I’d take a moment to pause and reflect on this most unusual year for me when I left the corporate world after 30 years and became an independent consultant and author.In the corporate world we tend to reflect and...

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I’m a people pleaser. More accurately, I obsess about fixing your problem. Whether it’s a personal problem like a nagging health issue, or a business problem like reducing healthcare costs or expanding around the world. I can’t help myself; it’s part of my DNA. I’m also the bread-winner in my family. For 30 years I had a corporate job with amazing benefits and never had to...

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I finally got around to watching the most incredible documentary this week, Spellers. It tells the stories of eight non-speaking young people with autism who learned to communicate through a letterboard. For their entire lives everyone including their families had assumed they were cognitively impaired as they showed no sign of understanding or expression of feelings. How wrong they were.Autism is an incredibly complex condition...

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Life is tough. Unreasonable deadlines at work, an abusive boss or partner, financial worries, job insecurity, racism, stressful living situation, physical ill health, death of a loved one, relational difficulties… are all part of the human experience. What is it that enables some people to face these challenges with resilience and a positive outlook while others succumb to emotional ill health? Even those who are...

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Known for its excellent food and wine (as well as its unusually low levels of heart disease compared to the rest of Europe and the US) there is one more reason to love France – their willingness to stand up to the cell phone manufacturers. In case you haven’t heard the buzz, France announced a ban on iPhone 12 sales due to them failing safe radiation...

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I’m not one for celebrity gossip. I don’t watch the shows or read the magazines. But the other day two celebrity health issues came across my path which highlights to me so much of what is wrong with modern medicine. I watched more TV than usual on this particular day as I was recovering from a painful infection in my elbow. I’d had a mosquito bite...

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