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Author: Emma Tekstra

I wouldn’t be writing to you today on if it weren’t for Dr Jerry Kartzinel. Dr Jerry is a pediatrician whose youngest son regressed into Autism after routine childhood vaccinations many years ago. After his wife suggested “you broke him so you fix him” he dedicated himself to preventing and healing autism and other neurological disorders in children. I was blessed to come across...

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I love Waze! I’m rather geographically challenged so rely heavily on Waze to find my way to places even when they are quite close or find my way home from anywhere I ended up. A few years ago we were on a family vacation in Costa Rica travelling around the whole country in a rental car. The roads there are famously bad but we found...

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I’ve been talking about bugs a lot lately. Not the kind with wings or that you might find crawling under a rock but the teeny tiny kind that we can’t see without a microscope. Maybe because they are so small we don’t think of them very often but it turns out these microscopic organisms may hold the key to health or sickness in all of...

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Awayday may be a British expression. Apologies to my American readers if this doesn’t resonate. You might call it a retreat but that sounds extensive, or an escape but that sounds negative. I just needed to get away from all my commitments and re-assess my priorities after leaving my corporate job of 25 years and starting my own gig. An awayday more typically involves a team...

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Employee Wellbeing has been baked into the talent agenda for over a decade now. The term “wellness” had been jettisoned to ensure we were incorporating broader aspects of what employees were looking for and what would lead to engaged and productive workers. Wellbeing typically includes dimensions such as Physical, Emotional (or Mental), Social and Financial Wellbeing with an employer trying to address all these aspects of...

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