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Author: Emma Tekstra

Employee Wellbeing has been baked into the talent agenda for over a decade now. The term “wellness” had been jettisoned to ensure we were incorporating broader aspects of what employees were looking for and what would lead to engaged and productive workers. Wellbeing typically includes dimensions such as Physical, Emotional (or Mental), Social and Financial Wellbeing with an employer trying to address all these aspects of...

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When I say natural medicine I wonder if you’re thinking of herbs with names you’ve never heard of and can’t pronounce, or chanting over crystals? But I’m sure many of you use various forms of natural medicine already. See my Post on A Better Way to Treat a Sinus Infection, I bet most of you have used some of those strategies. They are all considered...

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One of the scariest verses in all of the bible is Matthew 7:23 “And then will I declare to them, I never knew you, depart from me, you workers of lawlessness”. The discussion starts in Matthew 7:21 “Not everyone who says to me, Lord Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven…”. The reality is that many people in today’s world think they are right with...

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Breakfast cereals were a terrible invention! Convenient? Yes. Marketing achievement? Sure. “Whole grains” tends to sell well. But dig a little further and you can see why this one meal can derail your attempts to improve your health right out of the gate. The vast majority of breakfast cereals are over 50 per cent sugar. The rest includes highly processed grains and chemical additives. Many of...

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The teenage years are arguably the most critical in our development. The habits and attitudes developed during these formative years will be very hard to change in later life. If you don’t teach them, it’ll be mass media driven by big business advertising dollars that will win their hearts.We may think our teenagers aren’t listening to us but actually if a third-party asked a teenager...

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